The Annual Vivek High Fiesta-2024
Swaranjali-Inter School Music Competition
Shemrock Leadership Conclave & MUN
SFHS Model United Nations and Policy Contention (MUN)
Sanawar-Model United Nations (MUN)
National Level The India Quiz – My India, My Pride
Inter School Cricket Tournament (U-17) Boys-YPS
Inter School Competition-Annual Heritage Day and Van Mahotsava
INTACH-National Heritage Quiz-SFHS
Chandigarh Sub-Junior & Junior State Athletics Championship
Chandigarh State Level-National Children_s Science Congress (NCSC)
BVC Business Conclave Entrepreneurial Edge 2.0
World Scholar’s Cup
World Robot Olympiad (WRO)
Wild Wisdom Global Challenge
VIGYANTRAM- National Level Championship
U.T. Inter School Fencing – (U-14) Girls
U.T. Inter School Chess Competition-(U-14) Girls
The Young Entrepreneur of the Year Challenge 2023
The Annual Inter School Scrabble Competition
The Annual Inter School Logo and Tagline Designing Competition-VHS
The Annual Inter School Dramatic Interpretation Competition-VHS
The Annual Inter School Business Venture Competition-VHS
State Roller Skating Championship
SFHS-Model United Nations (MUN)
SFHS Code Hack 4.0
SFHS Basketball Trophy-(U-14) Boys
Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF) Achievers
Science Olympiad Foundation (SOF)
Samvidhi 5.0 – The Legal Conclave-DPS
NCC Cadet Welfare Society (CWS)
National Level-HCL JIGSAW Competition
Mohinder Memorial Bilingual Turncoat Debate
LPS-Model United Nations (MUN)
International Aerospace Olympaid
Inter School Semi Classical Vocal Competition
Inter School Painting Competition
Inter School Non-Competitive Musical Bands Event-Junior Melodiosa
Inter School IT Fest- YPS