AP Exam 2024-2025


Ad Exams

College Board’s Advanced Placement Program® is recognized by universities around the world as a standard of academic excellence. Since 1955, the AP® Program has enabled millions of students to take U.S. university undergraduate-level courses and earn undergraduate degree credit, advanced placement, or both while still in high school/secondary school.

Nearly all colleges and universities in the United States—as well as more than 500 universities in 75 countries such as the U.K., Canada, and Australia— consider AP participation favorably for admission and have policies around AP credit and placement.

For more information visit College Board’s website: Click Here

Access the list of the Universities around the World offering AP Credits: Click Here

AP benefits enable motivated students like you to:

  • Stand out in university admissions.
  • Earn university credit.
  • Skip introductory university classes.
  • Save money on tuition.
  • Build skills and confidence.

Authorized AP Test Center

St Kabir Public School, Chandigarh is authorized by the AP Program to administer 2025 AP Exams. However, test centers and schools set their own exam pricing, registration timeline, and payment policies.

Important Change for the 2025 AP Exam

The 2025 AP Exams will be administered as Fully Digital for 7 Exams and Hybrid Digital for 12 Exams that we offer over two weeks in May: May 5–16 and May 19–23.

Fully digital AP subjects for 2025—no paper testing option is available except for students approved by the College Board to receive a paper exam for digital assessments: Hybrid digital AP subjects for 2025—students will view all of the exam questions in Bluebook but will answer free-response questions in a paper booklet as usual:
AP Computer Science A AP Biology
AP Computer Science Principles AP Calculus AB
AP English Language and Composition AP Calculus BC
AP English Literature and Composition AP Chemistry
AP Environmental Science AP Macroeconomics
AP Psychology AP Microeconomics
AP United States Government and Politics AP Physics 1: Algebra-Based
AP Physics 2: Algebra-Based
AP Physics C: Mechanics
AP Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism
AP Statistics
AP Precalculus

The student should bring an APPROVE TESTING DEVICE.
To learn more about testing on Bluebook and their testing requirements, click the link below:

2025 AP Exams Schedule:

Please visit the following link for Regular Exams:

Our center offers late testing for circumstances where necessary, following the scheduled late-testing dates and times published by AP.


  • Students must have either a valid passport or another valid, government-issued ID, such as a PVC Aadhar card, to register and take AP Exams.
  • Must be under the age of 21 at the time of the exams. (Born after May 31, 2004)
  • Can take any or all of the 4 Physics exams in the same year.
  • Cannot retake an exam in the same year; you may retake it in a subsequent year.
  • Cannot take both Calculus AB and Calculus BC Exams in the same year.
  • For the other exams we offer, course enrollment is not required.
  • You cannot take 2 regular exams scheduled at the same date and time. Decide which exam you wish to take first and then take the other exam during the late testing window.
Registration Start Date (for regular and late exams) December 18, 2024
Registration End Date (for regular and late exams) February 25, 2025
AP Exam Fee (INR) per subject Regular Exam 18,500 INR
AP Exam Fee (INR) per subject Late Exam 22,000 INR

Please Note: Students will need to have a student account with the College Board to register.

Link to My AP account: https://myap.collegeboard.org/login (Create an account only if you do not already have one you use for SAT, PSAT, and AP.)

Find detailed information related to our Test Centre’s AP Exam policy and Registration process, Exam Fee in the PDF document listed below.

Register for AP Exams:

Students must ensure that they have registered for all AP Exams, paid the exam fee to the AP test center, and completed the entire process mentioned in the AP Exam registration instructions by the deadlines listed. There will be no extensions to the deadlines allowed later.

Find detailed information related to our Test Centre’s AP Exam Policy and Registration process and exam Fee in the PDF document listed below:

Students can read the benefits of AP Exams & AP course descriptions at https://apstudents.collegeboard.org/courses

Students must ensure that they have registered for all AP Exams, paid the exam fee to the AP test center, and completed the entire process mentioned in the AP Exam registration instructions by the deadlines listed. There will be no extensions to the deadlines allowed later.